" We design our settings with great care, taking into consideration the needs of parents, children and staff. Our rooms are bright, spacious and carefully laid out, so they are practical for their purpose. Our outdoor space is unrivalled, and includes natural grass areas for the children to play. "
Designed with care for care
When you place your child in our care, you have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that a highly competent and qualified team is caring for your child.
We have development specific rooms for all the children in our care, fully equipped with the toys and learning resources appropriate to them.
" Our settings are designed to give your child a safe, fun environment. Children love our colourful rooms, cheerful murals and child-friendly features such as soft floor surfaces and reading areas with child-sized sofas. "
Safe and secure
We incorporate extensive security and safety features in our settings and have rigorous procedures in place, to ensure that your child is kept safe in our care. We have monitored, child-proof doors, controlled entry and exit points to ensure that no person can enter or leave our premises without the full consent of our staff.
We use a detailed registration form to ensure strict procedures are in place for other family members and friends you may wish to nominate to collect your child. Our gardens and grass areas and outdoor play equipment are properly maintained.